Honey Reposado & Lemonade
- Fitch & Leedes Lemonade
- 50ml Leonista Honey Reposado
- 25ml pineapple juice
- 5ml lime juice
- 2-3 wedges of pineapple, for garnish
- 1 lime round, for garnish
In a shaker filled with ice combine the Reposado, pineapple juice and lime juice. Shake well and strain into a glass with fresh ice. Top with Fitch & Leedes Lemonade. Garnish with pineapple wedges and a lime round.

Leonista has taken the time to create expertly crafted cocktails that respect the ingredients and balance of our Spirit.
Honey Reposado
Honey Reposado: Wild and buzzy - the sweetest lioness of the pride. Infused with wild Cape honey, our honey reposado is subtly sweet with hints of a smokey finish.