Blanco & Grapefruit Tonic
- Fitch & Leedes Grapefruit Tonic
- 50ml Leonista Blanco
- 10ml lime juice
- Grapefruit wedge, for garnish
- Grapefruit peel/ zest, for rim
Add crushed ice, Leonista Blanco and lime juice to a glass. Mix well. Top with Fitch & Leedes Grapefruit tonic and garnish with a single oversized grapefruit wedge. Bend and squeeze the grapefruit zest over the top of the drink to release the oils and fragrance. Serve.

Leonista has taken the time to create expertly crafted cocktails that respect the ingredients and balance of our Spirit.
Meaning “white” in Spanish, this one is smooth and smokey. It is an un-aged variant in the pride characterized by the smooth but distinctly smokey flavour and is the closest adaptation to an authentic Mezcal.